Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 2nd 2012

So there I was sitting on the couch relaxing. Your mom came downstairs and said "here look at this" reaching out and grabbing the stick from her hand I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be looking at. I knew it was a pregnancy test but I didn't know how to read the damn thing. So as I stared at it and tried to figure out what I was supposed to be seeing I asked "What am I looking at", "you don't see the line" she replied. Honestly I could see shit She told me it was faint but it was there, so I looked from a couple of different angles and tried using different lights but I didn't see it. She decided she was going to go show Christina and ran out the door. At this point I was a little skeptical because we'd been through this before. No big deal. She came back 45 minutes later and went up to the bedroom. 5 minutes or so later she came back down and handed me another stick. "Can you read that" she asked. There it was no question about it the stick read PREGNANT. I shook it a few times thinking maybe it wasn't done and the NOT would pop up but nothing happen. In that moment everything had changed. I've known your mom for years. We started out as friends working in the same section in our Marine Corps unit. We were both married to different people and never thought of each other as anything more. I moved to Virginia and got out of my first Marriage while her and your brothers were still living in NC. When she moved to Va she was a single mom with 2 kids and things took off from there. No need to go into how we got together because I'm sure you'll here that story a shit ton of times over the course of your life. Just know that the day she stuck that stick in my face your parents were married and trying to bring you into the world.

Your mom was so excited she couldn't contain herself. She was smiling and very happy. I was happy but overwhelmed at the same time. Unsure is more like it. While your mom text messaged all her close family and friends to tell them the news I sat and tried grasp what was really going on. I made sure that the news of you didn't get to wide spread. I knew there were people I needed to tell myself. Overall everyone was happy with the news that we would be having you. I think the reactions she got from some people weren't exactly what she wanted but she was very happy about having you.We grabbed your brothers and went over to Nick and Christina's for some Chinese food to celebrate. I was still in shock from the news of you and trying to get a hold of it. We ate and smiled and enjoyed knowing that soon we would bring you into the world. You my friend were loved from the very first moment we knew about you.

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