Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 3rd

Your mom woke up and peed on another stick just to be sure that it wasn't a fluke. I laid in the bed and she handed it to me. PREGNANT that proved to me you were legit. She wanted to post to Facebook about you but I made her wait until I told Mama Chris. Mama Chris is my Grandmother and the greatest person I've ever known. Mom had to go to the doctor so they could confirm you and I had to go to work. I got to work and decided I needed to make phone calls, I called Mama Chris and Aunt Jackie and they both were happy to hear about you. I told your mom it was ok to let the world know about you now and she posted a picture of her pee stick on Facebook. The caption read "and a baby makes five" or something along those lines. I posted as well. Everyone was congratulating us on having you. Honestly it was a shocker for most people. I was always saying I would never have kids not that I didn't want you but I didn't have a dad when I grew up. My dad died when I was very young and so your Mama Chris and your Aunts helped your Grandma raise me. I sat most of the day being nervous and excited about you.  By the end of the day I was pretty worn out. I stopped at the store and looked at baby things. Then came home and took a nap.

When your mom got home we decided it was time to tell your brothers that you were coming. Charlie was 5 and Alex was 4. So we sat down and started dinner. I wasn't sure how to tell them so I whispered to Charlie. "mommy has a baby in her tummy". He smiled and you mom told him we didn't know whether you were going to be a boy or a girl. He said "God decides that right" we both said yes and the secret was out. I called your Aunt Courtney to tell her about you she was happy to hear the news. Your grandma called me and told me how excited she was and how she couldn't wait for you to get here. Everyone important to us knew that we were having you.

After everyone went to be I sat up alone thinking about you. There were so many questions running through my head. Nick had given me some books to read that he bought before Issac was born. Read through them and they were tell me about what was going on with you at the stage you were in. I was very excited about you but very nervous.

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